On Tuesday, January 16th Phil Murphy took the oath of office and became the new Governor of New Jersey. UWUA Local 601 was one of the first unions to endorse Murphy way back in 2016. At the time I told the membership that we endorsed Murphy because we thought he would be a friend of labor. Within the first 24 hours of his term, Murphy began proving this true. As one of his first acts, Murphy signed an executive order promoting equal pay for equal work for women. Below I have included some comments from the NJ AFL-CIO on this new Executive Order. Thanks to the hard work of our members Murphy was elected and a new day has dawned on New Jersey. After eight years of an anti-union Governor in Chris Christie, we finally have a friend in Trenton again. Thank you for your hard work in bringing this change to New Jersey and I look forward to working with all of our members to continue to push for more worker friendly policies to come out of Trenton in the coming months.