Monday, March 23, 2020

With COVID-19 (Coronavirus) causing many things to shut down in our state, Local 601 has been working closely with the company to ensure that all of our members are safe. While there has been a few hiccups, as would be expected, I commend the company for their willingness to work with us. The union has been in constant contact with the company including now having a daily 12:30 PM conference call that includes representatives from the company, myself, and members of the Executive Board.
Here are some of the protections that we have come up with to keep you safe.
For office workers, including call center workers, those in the billing department, those in the collections department call center, and those in new construction, many now have the ability to work from home. Local 601 negotiated with the company to provide laptops to do this work. For those who can not work from home, including our 24-Hour call center members, you should be practicing social distancing. This means sitting at least six feet apart. The call centers are also being wiped down and sanitized multiple times a day.
As of last Friday, the walk in customer service center has been closed. No customers are allowed to enter this space. The area is being wiped down and sanitized each day to ensure that no one gets sick. These members have been moved to different departments to help reduce backlog. This includes processing payments that are left in the dropbox and helping customers who are submitting web requests or internet chats.
In the field, including all meter readers, field collections and field service representatives, Local 601 has negotiated that no one should enter a private residence or establishment. Meter readers should only be reading meters that are outside. We have also negotiated that field collections will not be shutting anyone off during this crisis. Field collections should also not be going inside anyone's residence or business to collect payments. There are also no field investigations for high bills.
Please remember that our TOP PRIORITY is your health and safety. This is a fluid situation and we are in constant contact with the company to work on any changes that may arise. Please continue to check future issues of The Bloodline and our website for updates. Please continue to work safely and stay safe. Conform to the requested and mandated CDC guidelines, some have been provided below. We will get through this together.
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