Thursday, October 15, 2015
The following is a political message from New Jersey State AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech and Secretary-Treasurer Laurel Brennan.
New Jersey Congressman and proud union brother Donald Norcross is sponsoring important federal legislation that would make it easier for workers to join unions and bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.
By introducing The Workplace Democracy Act near the Capitol on Wednesday, Rep. Norcross made it clear that his top priority in Congress is creating good, sustainable job opportunities for American workers and protecting their rights on the job. The Workplace Democracy Act levels the playing field and gives middle class families a fair shot.
We could not be more proud of Rep. Norcross, a New Jersey State AFL-CIO labor candidate who became the first union brother (IBEW 351) elected to Congress. It’s apparent from Rep. Norcross’s sponsorship of this bill that union members’ interests and concerns are best represented when fellow union members are elected to office. His is one of 817 labor candidate victories we have achieved since our Labor Candidates program began 18 years ago.
As president of the Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council for 16 years, Rep. Norcross knows firsthand the issues facing working families. Having Rep. Norcross representing us in Washington, D.C., is testament to our need to continue to elect fellow union members to office. With 67 rank-and-file union members on the ballot this November 3rd, it has never been more important for you to join a labor walk or a phone bank and do whatever you can to ensure that fellow union members are elected. As we can see from the introduction of The Workplace Democracy Act by union brother Norcross, workers’ rights and protections depend on the outcome of all elections!
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