Tuesday, November 24, 2020

UWUA Women's Caucus calendars are now available for purchase. The 13-month calendar -Women in Our Industry: Women in Power, Shaping Our Future, Unsung Sheroes - highlights sacrifices and achievements by women of UWUA. The calendar is an important fundraiser for training and educational initiatives the Women's Caucus is planning next year.
The calendars can be purchased at $20 each. The proceeds help the Women's Caucus build a pipeline of women leaders who will increase participation and engagement in the labor movement. The calendars are for sale just in time for the holidays and make a great gift.
Order your calendars today by e-mailing Valerie King (vking@uwua.net) and Ursula Grant (Ursula.grant@uwua1-2.org) with the number of calendars you'd like (by orders of 10) and the name and address of the person who will be receiving your calendar order. Calendars are available while supplies last.
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