Happy Holidays to all of the members at UWUA Local 601. I have been so proud to serve as your President this year. We have accomplished so much, from our Women's Committee putting on great events to raise money for Breast Cancer Research, fielding a team at the Woodbridge Relay for Life and ratifying a new contract, this work was all done by the great members of our local. You joined me in support of our brothers and sisters at Verizon who went on strike for 7 weeks and helped form the Local 601 Women's Caucus to empower our female members. It makes me proud to look back on the work that was done this year by all of you.
As 2017 approaches, we will have new fights and struggles ahead of us. As you will see below, there will be a new Governor in New Jersey and we will be working hard to make sure that they are more union friendly then Governor Christie has been. We will also be holding council elections in January. I hope that all of the eligible members will come out and vote and make your voices heard.
Please enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones. This is the time of year to appreciate those who you love and celebrate another year and holiday with them. Once again Happy Holidays and I look forward to seeing all of you in the New Year. Â